Baltimore Avenue traffic triangles transformed thanks to UC Green

Aug 27, 2012 11 years ago

Did you notice the lush traffic triangles on Baltimore Avenue during the last Dollar Stroll? This Summer, the group of remarkable young men and women of the UC Green Corps transformed all three - at 45th, 46th and 47th Street. The triangles now feature a variety of annuals and perennials such as red salvia, marigolds, zinnias, petunias, begonias and lavender. Organized by UC Green and supported by UCD, the UC Green Corps is a youth program that provides in-depth green skills and work-ready skills as well as teaches about the basics of maintaining and renewing public spaces.

Thank you 2012 UC Green Corps!

Supervisors – Sue MacQueen, Winnie Harris, Hasan Malik and Lewis Houston

Students – Jazzlyn Sturgis, Jose Ferran, Andrew Foronda, Aaron Henry, Atiba Marshall, Kenneth Martin and Joseph White

UCGreen Corps at Work