Brookings Institution Releases Report on How the University City-Center City Innovation District Can Help Philadelphia Excel Globally and Serve Locally

May 18, 2017 6 years ago

The Brookings Institution, the nonprofit organization devoted to independent research and policy solutions, recently completed their two year study on the emerging innovation district in University City and western Center City. For the study, Brookings worked with 10 major institutions and firms to analyze the strengths of the local anchor institutions, and to identify opportunities for advancing the district’s innovation ecosystem and improving the competitive position of the Philadelphia region.

Brookings examined numerous data sources to understand the district and region’s research expertise, industry strengths, and entrepreneurship outcomes, and then conducted on-the-ground observational research and over 100 individual and small-group interviews to inform their recommendations.

The in-depth report contains a wealth of information about our partner institutions including the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Pennsylvania Health System, Drexel University, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, the University City Science Center, FMC, and PECO. The report also praises our efforts to connect local residents to employment opportunities through our West Philadelphia Skills Initiative program, and recommends that, “District stakeholders should coordinate their existing workforce, education, and business development efforts with the goal of serving more residents more effectively, creating greater economic opportunity, and growing a more inclusive district where a diversity of people and ideas help create a more robust innovation ecosystem and a vibrant community.” Finally, it concludes with recommendations for continuing the momentum that has started with major projects currently in the planning or development phases. 

Click here to read the entire report.