Small businesses, non-profits, and cultural institutions are a large part of what makes our West Philadelphia neighborhood so special. These critical members of our community provide us essential services, they feed us, and they lift us through art. They're more than just buildings--these are our neighbors, and in many cases our friends.

As part of University City District's ongoing efforts to aid local businesses and organizations, we are calling on members of our community to lend financial support to those in need. Through the end of the year we are asking for you to consider donating to neighborhood staples through our West Philly Forward campaign, so cherished members of our West Philadelphia community have a better chance of making it through this difficult time. We will also be doing our own fundraising, both through our GoFundMe page and through appeals to philanthropic funders. 100% of the funds we raise will be split equally among all participating businesses and organizations. 

Small businesses, cultural institutions, and non-profits located within University City District interested in joining the campaign may email us for more information on how to participate.


Small Business Fundraising